Choosing and Using Images for Custom Printed Items Part Eight
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  • Choosing and Using Images for Custom Printed Items Part Eight

    Normally when you head onto the website this will tell you just how many pixels across and down your image needs to be. If you head to the attributes option in any photo editing software (including just Pain which comes installed with Windows), then you should be able to determine how big your image is. Try increasing this value in order to inflate the image – if this now looks grainy then that's how it will appear on the t-shirt.

    Fortunately some editing software such as the more professional Photo Shop from Adboe software will allow you to increase the attributes without loosing too much quality. Try increasing the size here first and see if you're happy with how it looks – otherwise you may need to add to your image or to simply select a new one.

    You can also use software such as Photo Shop if you want to edit the picture in other ways. For instance if you are not happy with a photograph then you may choose to enhance the colours, or to airbrush it.

    May 20, 2011
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