Your Essential Guide to Trade Show Giveaways
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  • What You Need to Know About Trade Show Giveaways

    What You Need to Know About Trade Show Giveaways

    Trade shows are a perfect way to get the word out about your business and find the suppliers and clients you need.

    Product giveaways are the seventh most popular marketing strategies in North America, with total industry sales of $21.3billion. As these figures show, trade show giveaways are key to giving your business the right image and to making a lasting impression.

    But what are they, and how do you choose items that'll make the right statement? To understand trade show giveaways, keep reading for our essential guide.

    What Are Trade Show Giveaways?

    The short answer is, trade show giveaways will get you more customers.

    Businesses give away promotional items so customers have something to remember them by, if you will.

    Have you ever taken your kid to the dentist and seen their face light up with a rainbow-colored lollipop (sugar-free, of course) at the end of a visit? That's the kind of reaction you're looking for from the recipient of a promotional gift. Of course, candy is a popular gift, but it won't last long. But if your tot remembers the dentist that handed out the candy, it's more likely they'll want to visit again.

    You want to hand out gifts too, and they need to be memorable. But the difference is, your freebie needs to last long enough for others to see it and want to visit you.

    Why You Need Freebies

    Put yourself in your customers' shoes.

    If you were invited to a food show, for example, you'd be expecting some free tasters, right? And then there are those booths that made you pay for every. Single. Thing.

    They seem kinda cheap, and it takes the fun out of the experience.

    You're much more likely to go back to or buy from the booths with the freebies for 3 main reasons.

    1. They complimented you with a gift and made you smile
    2. They made a good impression and reached out for a client relationship, and
    3. They left you with a promise of something better, by letting you taste their goods.

    So who would you rather be - the cheap booth or the generous one?

    More Customers on the Day

    With trade show giveaways, your customers will be walking away with something you gave them for free.

    With a good quality freebie you're, in effect, handing them a big neon flag that says, 'Go visit this business!'. Or, if your product is kind of cheap, that 'flag' will just say, 'No'.

    Give away a great product and everyone at the show is going to see and talk about your freebie and want to know where they can get one as well.

    Now you're starting conversations all over the event, which results in a rush of customers. And some of them won't just look - they'll buy.

    You're Making Memories

    Give away products that last, and you're giving yourself maximum coverage.

    Customers take their trade show giveaways and use them. Every time their friends or colleagues sees your stuff, they'll ask about it. So make sure your company and contact details are well-displayed and don't rub or scratch off.

    Keep It Profitable

    The biggest factor in choosing your products for trade show giveaways is cash flow.

    Every company has different budgets, and you'll need to work on yours to keep this profitable. There's no point in buying expensive gifts that leave you with empty pockets.

    Some promotional-product suppliers have a feature on their site where you can choose your budget, and they'll give you a range of products available in your price range.

    Quality and Originality on Budget

    Buy the best quality you can afford, and use a good supplier. And if you can only afford as little as $1 per gift, buy something that's inexpensive to make, but still good quality.

    For example, a quality microfiber phone screen wipe costs less to make than a paper cup. Yet the screen cleaner will leave your client with a superior impression for the same cost.

    When your trade show giveaways scream quality and originality, potential customers will feel your business offers quality products, too.

    The Right Giveaways for You

    When you choose products to give away, here are some rules to bear in mind.

    Know Your Audience

    Have your target audience fixed firmly in mind. If your consumer market is little kids, for example, a funky USB charger might be cool for mom and dad but will leave kids disappointed.

    Instead, a colorful bracelet will hit the mark with little ones, plus it'll last, so mom and dad will remember your business and use you in the future.

    If you make their kids smile, that makes a great impression on parents.

    Make It Functional

    For your freebie to see the light of day, it needs to be useful to the customer.

    Everyday items like keychains and phone-related products are in constant use because, you guessed it, we all use our phones and keys every day.

    Everyday items or life 'hacks', like keychain bottle openers or cell phone stands, are sought-after and will get customers streaming to your booth.

    Make Your Giveaways Work For Your Business

    For best results, you need to find a freebie that supports your business concept. For example, a free highlighter is useless if your business deals in paperless, bespoke cellphone cases.

    A better product choice would be a multifunctional stylus screen-cleaner or a cell phone sleeve.

    The Prettier the Better

    Your goal is to get your trade show giveaways out in the public eye, and that'll only happen if they look good.

    If you deal in bespoke, handmade products then work out something you can mass-produce cheaply that looks great and shows off what you can do.

    If you're ordering something, you need to pick an option that looks so awesome, you'd be proud to take it anywhere.

    The more your freebies are seen, especially after the trade show, the more of a buzz you create for your business.

    The Takeaway

    Trade show giveaways are a vital part of your business marketing strategy. Give away high-quality, user-friendly freebies that'll get people talking, and drive customers to your booth all day long.

    Match your promotional gifts to your business so it makes a connection in your customers' minds, and they'll remember you the next time they need something you've got.

    So, when you're preparing for your next trade show, follow the tips in our essential guide. You'll choose great products, and have so many customers you'll be rushed off your feet.

    Maybe those promotional massage slippers you ordered will come in handy after all...

    Want some ideas for creative and unique promotional products? We've got you covered - check this out.

    Jan 11, 2018
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