Articles Promotionnels | Concept Plus
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  • ECO-Friendly Biodegradable and Recycled Promotional Products

    ECO-friendly and recycled promotional items

    Promotional items that are ECO-friendly such as biodegradable and recycled promotional products are a way to show off that your company or organization is conscious about its environmental footprint.


    Many companies are following this trend since being environmentally friendly is now the ethically responsible way to go about business. Many corporations are taking drastic measures to have an environmental sustainability policy that allows for both profit and growth. While many businesses have switched from disposable cups to reusable for the sake of showing they care about the planet, the promotional products industry has show a huge growth in the purchasing of ECO-friendly promotional items.

    These items include reusable produce bags and promotional tote bags for grocers, eco friendly promotional gifts, organic cotton bags and such. We offer a vast selection of these promotional items which will boost your company image in the eyes of those clients who consider the current environmental issues of utmost importance. Many are even willing to pay more for products if they are made in an ecologically sustainable manner and have small environmental footprints. considers the environment and maintaining ecologically sustainable business model very important.

    Most of our communications have been switched to electronic methods which use of less paper and energy. Our paper proofs have been changed to paperless proofs to save a few trees here and there.

    We find that the more people that use these environmentally friendly products, the more awareness there is about the issues our planet is facing with regards to ECO system. Plenty of companies will pretend they're tree-hugging hippies if they give out green objects at their company holiday parties. Most of the time it's all a PR stunt but how many actually adopt a MO and business model that supports the improvement of our planet?

    How can your company improve it's environmental image? It's as simply as walking to your phone and dialing our toll free number:


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