Articles Promotionnels | Concept Plus
Glisseur de budget
  • Promoting Your Website With Promotional Products Part Three

    Say there's a trade show then – perhaps a literary trade show or fair and all the top publishers and literary magazines are going. If you own a website about publishing or about writing then you should go and represent your site there. And from your own display you can then promote your website and give away your custom apparel. This makes your company seem more 'real' and like something bigger than just a website and it allows your visitors to really get behind the idea. At the same time it spreads your ideas and gets you more buzz – and if you've managed all this correctly, then people will be happy to where your custom apparel because they'll be behind the idea of the website and because they'll want to show support and get involved in something that seems hip and happening.

    Then by their wearing the custom shirts or hanging the promotional calendars, this will then make them much more invested in your website and small business too.

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