Articles Promotionnels | Objets & Stylos Personnalisés | Concept Plus
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  • Promoting Your Website With Promotional Products Part Seven

    If you then award people with your promotional items then this will serve another purpose by letting them further publicise your website for you. If you have a good community on your site through a forum etc, then you can award people promotional items for good posts, or even send them custom apparel on their birthday. If they should buy anything else such as a book you might be selling for instance, then you can include promotional pens or a custom lanyard as an extra gift to 'say thank you'.

    Other little bonuses of promoting your website with promotional items are that you will be making your company appear more 'professional' as the custom items should look professional. In other words most kids can make websites, but not everyone has their own serious of personalized mugs or their personalized t-shirts. This way you can also demonstrate your enthusiasm for the site by wearing them. And we all know that enthusiasm is infectious.

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